ACR launches CT dose index registry

The American College of Radiology (ACR) announced that it has launched a CT dose index registry that allows imaging facilities to track and compare radiation dose from imaging exams.

Medical imaging facilities can now submit anonymous dose information for all CT exams performed to the Dose Index Registry (DIR), which will allow them to compare their dose indices to other facilities of similar size or geographic area and to national benchmarks. Participating facilities will also receive periodic feedback comparing their dose levels to these benchmarks, giving them information they can use to lower radiation dose received from scans.

The DIR is a new component of the ACR National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR). To participate in the new registry, a facility enrolls through the NRDR portal; software is installed at the facility to receive dose information from a CT scanner or PACS for every CT exam performed, then data are anonymized and transmitted to the registry. Periodic reports are provided to the facility through the NRDR portal, the ACR said.

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