Session probes 'dollars and sense' of lung cancer screening

Wednesday, December 4 | 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. | SPSC41 | Room E450A
The debate over CT lung cancer screening isn't just about safety, it's about dollars. This special controversy session takes on the issue with National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) data, addressing what the information shows, along with the limitations and cost-effectiveness of screening.

Speakers Dr. Edward Patz from Duke University Medical Center and Dr. Caroline Chiles from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center will discuss the recent decision supporting CT lung cancer screening by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and their own perspectives on the risks and benefits of a mass CT screening program.

"In this session we will present some background information and principles of lung cancer screening," Dr. Edward "Ned" Patz told "We will discuss data from the NLST, including the primary end point of mortality reduction, limitations such as false positives and overdiagnosis, and the cost-effectiveness analysis. We will describe the USPSTF recommendations and conclude with our perspectives on the risks and benefits of a mass CT screening program for lung cancer."

Whom to screen for lung cancer is an important part of any discussion of cost-effectiveness, Patz added, but for now the NLST results remain the only large database from which to draw conclusions.

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