Konica Minolta shows Nano CR line at SIIM

Konica Minolta Medical Imaging USA of Wayne, NJ, gave attendees at last week's Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) conference in Providence, RI, a look at the company's new compact computed radiography (CR) product.

Called Regius Nano CR, the new product is a single-bay CR reader that is a more economical alternative to the company's flagship dual-bay Regius Xpress system. Nano features a rigid cassette and can be linked with other Konica Minolta CR readers in a networked environment, according to the company.

Nano will be available in two different models, targeting healthcare enterprises and clinics, with shipments to begin this summer, the company said.

The company also said it is waiting for new guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration before filing a regulatory application for its CR mammography product. The guidelines will enable CR vendors to use the 510(k) process for CR mammography applications, rather than the more cumbersome premarket approval (PMA) process used last year by Fujifilm Medical Systems USA of Stamford, CT, for its CR mammography offering.

In other SIIM news, Konica Minolta highlighted new software for Regius Xpress that is designed to work in conjunction with a 17-inch monitor to improve clinical versatility. The new software, version 2.21, also simplifies the steps to perform exams using a new procedure-mapping tool. The new 17-inch monitor will enable users to view images at a higher fixed resolution of 1280 x 1024. The larger display should help technologists when performing quality assurance.

Finally, Konica Minolta touted its DryPro 832 dry laser imager, first shown at the 2006 RSNA meeting.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
June 11, 2007

Related Reading

Konica Minolta lands Amerinet deal, January 10, 2007

Road to RSNA, Konica Minolta Medical Imaging, November 10, 2006

Road to RSNA, Konica Minolta Medical Imaging, October 30, 2006

Konica Minolta signs Hallmark, August 31, 2006

Konica Minolta names Kobayashi president, August 29, 2006

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