3TP launches new software

MRI computer-aided detection developer 3TP Imaging Sciences of White Plains, NY, has launched a software package that provides new capabilities for analyzing MRI contrast studies.

The firm's Server2 software enables radiologists to employ a compartment pharmacokinetic analysis model, commonly referred to as the Tofts model, in analyzing studies. The software enables radiologists to generate vascular permeability (PERM) and extracellular volume fraction (EVF) values for all pixels in a region of interest in contrast-enhanced MRI studies.

The techniques could be useful for applications such as monitoring changes in vascular permeability during cancer treatment, according to 3TP. The company said its application will enable these calculations to be conducted in routine clinical practice, whereas previously they were primarily employed in research settings.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
August 10, 2005

Related Reading

3TP girds for patent battle, August 4, 2005

Road to RSNA, 3TP Imaging Sciences, November 18, 2004

3TP gets FDA clearance for MRI CAD, March 11, 2004

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