Bruker BioSpin

ClinScan, a new 7-tesla scanner for research applications, will be featured in Bruker's RSNA booth.

ClinScan is designed for use in animal studies in preclinical and molecular imaging applications. Its ultrashielded refrigerated magnet has a 30-mm bore, and its high-performance gradient system is rated at an amplitude of 300 mtesla/m, with a slew rate of 1200 tesla/m/sec.

It uses a radiofrequency spectrometer based on Total image matrix (Tim) technology developed by Siemens Medical Solutions, with up to 32 receive channels. The RF coils use Bruker's multiarray coil technology, while the system's user interface employs Siemens' syngo platform and is identical in operation to Siemens' Avanto and Espree MRI scanners.

ClinScan is scheduled for delivery in the U.S. and internationally in the second quarter of 2006. The product has the European CE Mark; U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) clearance is not required.

Billerica, MA-based Bruker BioSpin will also demonstrate new advances for its existing BioSpec series of MRI scanners for animal imaging. Enhancements include superconducting RF cryo coil technology, multitransmitter technology with TransmitSENSE (TSENSE) applications, and new ultrahigh field strengths up to 11.7 tesla.

By Brian Casey staff writer
November 10, 2005

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