ONI Medical Systems

Wilmington, MA-based ONI will demonstrate a new version of its OrthOne XT 1-tesla dedicated extremity scanner.

The OrthOne XT - II includes new operating system software that boosts speed, and a 160-mm knee coil that improves signal-to-noise ratios by 40% over the company's 180-mm coil.

OrthOne XT - II also includes a cushioned ottoman to support the patient's arms and legs during exams and an optional CD burner capability that creates CDs with or without an embedded PC viewer.

ONI will tout recent company milestones, including its 75th shipped system and its 100th order booking. ONI has expanded its distributor network in Europe, the U.K., Southeast Asia, and Brazil, and has installed five systems in Europe to date.

By Brian Casey
AuntMinnie.com staff writer
November 10, 2005

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