Buyer's Guide Update: Ultrasound grows by getting small

Dear Buyer's Guide Update Member,

With this edition of Buyer's Guide Update we cover ultrasound, that most ubiquitous of imaging modalities.

The hottest trend going in the modality these days is miniaturization, which is leading to a new era of portability for ultrasound technology. Today a physician's lab coat pocket can hold a scanner with the same diagnostic power as premium systems from 10-15 years ago.

Ultrasound vendors are also getting creative with system designs, developing units that can be docked with a cart for use like a conventional scanner, but then removed and hand-carried to any location in the hospital.

But the miniaturization trend may have ominous portents for radiology. The specialty long ago lost control of cardiac ultrasound, and now emergency physicians are latching onto the new generation of compact and hand-carried systems. It may be an ironic twist that radiology's interest in ultrasound declines just as the modality grows into its role as the "electronic stethoscope" of the future.

Fortunately, ultrasound vendors continue to push the envelope by developing technologies for radiology-based systems, such as 3D/4D imaging and breast elastography, in addition to ergonomic enhancements designed to reduce the incidence of repetitive stress injury among sonographers. Check out the listings below for a full range of products from ultrasound vendors, as found in the Buyer's Guide.

Coming up in May, our focus will be on advanced visualization software. If you're a vendor and would like to update your Buyer's Guide listings, just send an e-mail to [email protected] to get started.

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