Hitachi Aloka wins Vizient innovation title

Hitachi Aloka Medical America's Sofia 3D breast ultrasound system has received an innovative technology designation from group purchasing organization Vizient.

The designation was based on reviews of Sofia by hospital experts at Vizient's Innovative Technology Exchange in Dallas in September, Hitachi Aloka said.

Sofia is designed for women whose breast density may result in an inconclusive mammogram. With the patient in a prone position and the breast in the device's radial scanning array, it acquires high-resolution ultrasound images that are sent to a workstation and reconstructed into a 3D volume of the entire breast.

Through its Vizient Innovative Technology program, Vizient identifies and reviews potentially groundbreaking products, Hitachi Aloka said. If it determines that a company's product is innovative, a contract may be awarded outside of the regular bid cycle.

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