Ultrasound of appendicitis | Digital mammo | 4D CT for radiation therapy

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The European Congress of Radiology (ECR) kicks off tomorrow, and we'll be bringing you daily coverage of the meeting from our team of journalists onsite in Vienna. There undoubtedly will be much news coming from Europe's premier imaging event, so visit us often over the next five days.

In the meantime, we're featuring a new study from researchers in Texas, who found ultrasound to be highly accurate for diagnosing pediatric appendicitis. Unfortunately, the modality was less proficient in differentiating between perforated and nonperforated cases in the prospective study of some 600 patients.

Learn more by clicking here, or visit our Ultrasound Community at ultrasound.auntminnie.com.

Digital mammography

If there are any questions about the ability of digital mammography to increase breast cancer detection rates, a new study further supports the modality in that goal. However, researchers also found that it increased the rate at which women were called back for biopsy.

The findings update mammography performance benchmarks published by the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium in 2005 and are expected to help radiologists and imaging centers address the problem of high rates of benign biopsies. Get the details by clicking here or visiting womens.auntminnie.com.

4D CT for radiation therapy

The development of new algorithms that provide deformable registration and respiratory motion simulation are advancing the use of 4D CT for radiation therapy planning in the upper thorax and abdomen. Learn how researchers from China and the U.S. used such an algorithm to identify and reduce artifacts by clicking here, or visit our Advanced Visualization Community at av.auntminnie.com.

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