Samsung introduces V7 ultrasound system

2022 09 09 16 13 4099 2022 09 09 Samsung V7 400

Samsung has introduced its V7 ultrasound system, which the company said received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for commercial use.

Samsung's V7 ultrasound recently received 510(k) clearance from the FDA. Image courtesy of Boston Imaging.Samsung's V7 ultrasound recently received 510(k) clearance from the FDA. Image courtesy of Boston Imaging.

V7 is designed to be used for a wide range of clinical applications, according to Boston Imaging, the company's U.S. headquarters. The system comes with the following Intelligent Assist features:

  • 2D Follicle, an automated measurement tool that provides information about follicle status during gynecology examinations by identifying and measuring follicle size based on 2D images.
  • AutoIMT, a screening tool to analyze a patient's potential risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • S-Shearwave Imaging, a tool that noninvasively assesses and documents tissue stiffness for clinical applications including breast and liver.
  • UterineAssist, an artificial intelligence technology that automatically measures the size and shape of the uterus.
  • E-Cervix, an elastography technology that provides a semi-quantitative assessment of cervical canal stiffness.

The V7 also applies an eco-friendly resin cover to the air vent exterior cover and reusable eco paper packaging composed of recycled paper, the company said.

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