AuntMinnieTV: What's an Aunt Minnie?

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Back in 1999, we were looking for a name for the new radiology Web site we were developing. We settled on "" as a quirky, offbeat moniker that we hoped would catch your attention. While we think we've succeeded in that endeavor, many people still aren't familiar with the origins of the term that has served as our inspiration.

The term "Aunt Minnie" actually has roots in radiology that go back decades. It was most likely coined by the late Dr. Ben Felson, a radiologist at the University of Cincinnati. Felson was the first co-author, along with Dr. Maurice Reeder, of Reeder and Felson's Gamuts in Radiology -- a seminal reference text that provides differential diagnoses for a wide range of patterns that appear on radiologic images.

In this AuntMinnieTV segment, we talk to Dr. Reeder about the origins of the term "Aunt Minnie," and about the logic behind the differential diagnosis approach to reading film.

Was there a real Aunt Minnie? Find out by watching the video, which you can access by clicking here. And when you're done, check out the other AuntMinnieTV segments that are available through the links below.

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