X-Ray Radiology Insider

Dear X-Ray Insider,

Orthopedic imaging is the main topic of this X-Ray Insider. First, our Insider Exclusive story highlights a study on how helpful radiography is for assessing potential nerve damage from pin placement in pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures. To read more, click here.

Next, surgeons from New York City explain why they rely on x-ray for preoperative planning of total hip arthroplasty. In their estimation, x-ray is essential for landmarking and templating hip replacement surgery. Click here to learn more.

Also in the X-Ray Digital Community, you'll find articles on the difference between radiography and ultrasound for evaluating pediatric ankle fractures, the role of digital x-ray radiogrammetry in rheumatoid arthritis, and why hormone therapy for prostate cancer may increase fracture risk.

Finally, read about how a woman's vitamin D level during pregnancy can affect the bone mineral content of her child later in life. Also, a DEXA study indicates that male recreational swimmers may be healthier than the average man, but spending a lot of time in the pool won't delay the aging process.

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