Thorelius returns: contrast ultrasound of liver metastases

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Swedish ultrasound specialist Dr. Lars Thorelius returns to's Ultrasound Digital Community this week with a new article on the use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the detection of liver metastases.

Ultrasound without contrast enhancement has been largely supplanted as a liver imaging modality in favor of technologies like CT and MRI. But these dynamics are beginning to change with the introduction of second-generation ultrasound contrast agents and scanner software that's tuned for contrast usage, the article states.

At Dr. Thorelius' lab, contrast-enhanced ultrasound is being used routinely to characterize focal liver lesions, with the result that patients are being scanned with no radiation dose, high diagnostic accuracy, and lower costs.

The article includes descriptions of the enhancement patterns seen on ultrasound as contrast circulates through the liver, and how these patterns can be key in detecting and characterizing liver lesions. As in past stories from Dr. Thorelius, our newest article features dynamic clips that enable you to benefit from ultrasound's unique ability to provide full-motion images.

Many AuntMinnie members have found Dr. Thorelius' articles to be excellent teaching tools, or a useful way to brush up on imaging techniques. You'll find the newest installment by clicking here.

When you're done with the article, check out the rest of the Ultrasound Digital Community, which we've updated with a fresh new look, just in time for this week's American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine meeting in Washington, DC. Check back in coming days at for daily reports from the show.

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