Interested in submitting a case?

Case Study is a short, interactive quiz or case history that helps radiologists and residents keep their skills sharp. A typical case has four or five pages, various medical images, and a bit of text (usually a multiple choice question or a true/false quiz). Think of it as a mini-PowerPoint presentation that mixes text, images, and interactivity.


Submitting cases is straightforward. Just send us the relevant text and images (preferably JPEG) in a PowerPoint or Word document. Our team does the rest.

A Case Study can be either a short, interactive pathology-based quiz, or a step-by-step progression that illustrates how you handled a recent case in your practice.

A typical case has 4 or 5 pages, with each page featuring an image and a bit of text (either captions explaining what is shown in the image, or a multiple choice question or true/false quiz), as well as references to the relevant medical literature. To see some examples, visit the Case Study archives.

Cases can be submitted in Word or PowerPoint format as attachments to an email. The email should be directed to [email protected].

If you have any questions or are interested in submitting a case, please e-mail [email protected].

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with others!

The Team

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