RSNA 2022: Attendance rebounds | RADCast @ RSNA | PACSman Awards

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

CHICAGO - RSNA 2022 may not have had the attendance of the meetings held prior to COVID-19, but it still felt like a real RSNA -- especially for those who may have missed last year's first postpandemic edition.

Final registration figures won't be available for a while, but the RSNA expected nearly 31,000 in-person attendees at McCormick Place. That was up substantially from the over 23,000 who attended RSNA 2021, but still well down from the over 52,000 who came to Chicago in 2019.

In the exhibit halls, traffic was noticeably busier -- particularly early in the day on Monday and Tuesday. And vendors were largely pleased with the quality of the visits. Time will tell if we'll see in-person attendance continue to rebound even further in RSNA 2023.

Looking to catch up on all the news from the meeting? You'll want to visit our special RADCast @ RSNA section for all of our current articles and video interviews from the scientific sessions and exhibit halls. In addition, imaging industry consultant Michael J. Cannavo, aka the PACSman, has also doled out his always-popular PACSman Awards for RSNA 2022.

And be sure to check back in over the coming weeks for continuing coverage.

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