David Jordan[email protected]CTRadiation safety from the medical physicist's perspectiveThe call to action regarding patient radiation dose safety has flooded the healthcare industry with a wide array of new options, recommendations, requirements, and regulations that are pushing organizations to revamp radiation safety initiatives across the board.November 4, 2014Page 1 of 1Top StoriesEconomicsMedicare Quality Payment Program changes affecting radiology practices for 2025In a new column, Erin Stephens of Healthcare Administrative Partners fdetails the key Medicare Quality Payment program changes that radiology practices need to know about in 2025.Radiation Oncology/TherapyConsolidation reigns in radiation oncologyWomens Imaging'Social capital' tied to more screening mammography uptakeMRIbpMRI, mpMRI show comparable NPV for prostate cancerSponsor ContentRegister for a FREE Webinar March 19 @ 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET