Dr. Wendie Berg, PhD[email protected]BreastA radiologist confronts her own breast cancerUniversity of Pittsburgh radiologist Dr. Wendie Berg, PhD, was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2014, after discovering that she has dense breast tissue and undergoing a breast MRI. In this article, Dr. Berg describes her personal experience and announces the launch of a new website, DenseBreast-info.org.April 21, 2015Page 1 of 1Top StoriesMRIUltrasound-guided fluoro for kidney stones cuts radiation to kidsFluoroscopy-assisted ultrasound guidance for mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures in children is safer and more effective than fluoroscopy alone.Molecular ImagingNew analysis supports use of FES-PET in breast cancer patientsMRIAre athletes returning to play too soon after concussion?CTUltralow-dose CT identifies pneumonia in immunocompromised patientsSponsor ContentElevate your patient's care with the capabilities of Cardiac PET/CT