Greg Freiherr[email protected]PACS/VNAViewers define issues underlying enterprise imagingIn the final installment of our series on the challenges of enterprising imaging, contributing writer Greg Freiherr takes a look at a key ingredient in any enterprise installation: viewers. They can either enable enterprise imaging or doom it to failure.April 14, 2016PACS/VNAImage sharing presents challenges to the enterpriseImage sharing touches all aspects of patient management, from the practical to the incongruous, but it still remains a problem for patients and physicians at many institutions, according to contributing writer Greg Freiherr, who offers this third installment on the challenges of enterprise imaging.March 22, 2016PACS/VNAPACS and EMR vendors aim to bridge workflow gapSurrounded by flying dice and one-armed bandits, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference in Las Vegas did its best to establish a middle ground for discussions about enterprise imaging. Among the many difficulties that accompany the integration of medical images into patient medical records, workflow stood out.March 10, 2016PACS/VNAHIMSS: Challenges take shape as enterprise imaging gains prominenceLAS VEGAS - At the just-concluded Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) meeting, three radiology thought leaders described the challenges that threaten enterprise imaging and the forces that are compelling the medical community to embrace it.March 2, 2016Page 1 of 1Top StoriesInterventionalEVT promising in patients with extracranial ICA occlusionsEndovascular thrombectomy (EVT) and best medical treatment are both effective and safe options for patients with acute extracranial internal carotid artery occlusions.UltrasoundCEUS resolves indeterminate CT, MRI liver observationsMolecular ImagingPET/CT can rule out CAV in heart transplant patientsCTMachine learning can predict immunotherapy response in NSCLC patientsEconomicsCurrent topics in mammography