
Big changes have happened at Barco since last year's meeting, with the Belgian display vendor acquiring 3D software developer Voxar in September. Barco has retained the Voxar name for its software line, and will show new enhancements in its RSNA booth.


Barco is preparing to issue version 5.1 of the Voxar 3D software, with enhancements designed to reduce reading time, improve performance and productivity, and enhance workflow. The new version allows users to load and manipulate large 3D datasets, such as a run-off CT angiography study with up to 2,000 slices.

Image quality improvements in the 5.1 release include specular lighting, improved depth perception, and surface detail. The new version also includes enhancements that enable Barco's PACS partners to customize the look and feel of Voxar 3D to more closely correlate to the user environment of the PACS software.

VesselMetrix is a new vessel analysis module in Voxar 3D that's designed to be integrated into a PACS environment. The module gives radiologists a clinical protocol-based workflow for quantitative analysis of contrast-enhanced CTA and MRA studies. Applications include visualizing stenosis, stent and stent graft planning, and stent graft surveillance.

VesselMetrix includes viewing modes and workflow designed to improve productivity, report key images more quickly, and make clinical tasks easier with minimum user intervention, according to Barco.

By Brian Casey staff writer
November 18, 2004

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