Advanced Visualization Insider

Dear Advanced Visualization Insider,

While 3D labs can offer a valuable service for both patients and referring clinicians, careful attention to detail is required to glean the maximum benefit.

In a recent presentation, Dr. Eliot Siegel from the University of Maryland shared his suggestions for setting up a lab. Part 1 of our coverage included his thoughts on important issues to confront in managing 3D labs, such as cost-effectiveness, workflow, 3D technologists, and software purchasing decisions.

Part 2, which covers billing and coding issues, serves as this month's Insider Exclusive. You can access it before our other members by clicking here.

Speaking of 3D labs, a quality control program increased productivity and lowered 3D image generation errors at Stanford University's facility. The improvements also continued well after training ended. Learn more here.

In other news in the Advanced Visualization Digital Community, an interventional MR physicist from Stanford has modified a tablet PC to make it suitable for use in the MRI suite. Learn about his work by clicking here.

In virtual colonoscopy developments, a research team has concluded that a prone-supine registration algorithm is ready for clinical use. International editor Eric Barnes has our coverage, which you can reach here.

Last but not least, an image analysis technique was also found to facilitate CT lung cancer screening by differentiating potentially malignant part-solid nodules from less-worrisome transient nodules.

Do you have any interesting images or clips that might be suitable for our AV Gallery? I invite you to submit them here.

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