Katrina teaches disaster recovery lessons

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

As healthcare providers in the southeastern U.S. struggle to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina, some are sharing valuable lessons they learned on the importance of disaster recovery -- especially as it applies to healthcare IT.

A major disaster such as a Category 5 hurricane can wreak havoc on even the best-laid plans, according to a presentation from this week's Towards the Electronic Patient Record (TEPR) conference in Baltimore. Staff writer Jonathan S. Batchelor is on hand to report for our new Healthcare IT Digital Community.

A representative from a New Orleans-based oncology and radiation group practice discussed what worked and what didn't work during and after the hurricane's landfall. The group was able to secure critical patient and practice data, but encountered some glitches in getting the practice back on its feet. Learn from her experiences in how you can perfect your disaster recovery plan by clicking here.

When you're done reading the article, take a tour of the new Healthcare IT Digital Community, which we've launched as a comprehensive resource for making the transition to enterprise-level healthcare information management. We'll be featuring more coverage of the TEPR show in coming weeks, as well as other articles on this emerging discipline.

Check out the community by visiting healthcareit.auntminnie.com.

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