Dear AuntMinnie Member,
Perhaps no other medical imaging technology elicits as much confusion -- and frustration -- as PACS. Digital image management has become a necessity at most imaging facilities, and when things don't go as planned, the implications can be disastrous for everyone involved.
But things don't have to turn out badly. For the past six months we've been bringing you our "Exploring PACS secrets" series in an effort to demystify, and, we hope, improve the PACS experience. Authored by noted PACS consultant Michael J. Cannavo, the series debunks the many myths surrounding PACS for our PACS Digital Community.
This week we feature the fifth installment, in which Mr. Cannavo examines key questions surrounding PACS implementation: Why is it so expensive? Why doesn't it work the way I want it to? Why can't I trust my vendor (or my client)?
The story explores the request for proposal (RFP) process, why system interoperability is so difficult in spite of standards like DICOM, and the perils of purchasing by committee.
You'll find the article in our PACS Digital Community, at When you're done reading, click on the "Discuss" button at the lower right-hand corner of the article to go to our PACS Digital Community Discussion Group, where you're invited to express your thoughts about the article and the PACS industry in general.