Patients want timely access to imaging reports

Tuesday, December 1 | 10:40 a.m.-10:50 a.m. | SSG07-02 | Room S102D
In this scientific session, researchers from the University of California, Irvine Medical Center will report on how patients want to receive their imaging reports.

The team set out to determine how patients feel about accessing imaging reports on patient portals and also to learn how they prefer to receive or discuss these results, according to presenter Dr. Eduardo Hernandez-Rangel.

"We decided to work on this project because it is in line with the RSNA and [American College of Radiology] campaign for patient-centered practice, [which has] the goal of promoting awareness of the radiologist's role in patient care and the benefits of direct interaction with patients," he told

After conducting a survey of adult outpatients at their institution, the researchers found a high satisfaction level with patient portals. They also discovered that while patients did tend to prefer direct discussions with radiologists about their imaging results, that didn't matter to them as much as having timely access to the reports.

"The access to clinical imaging reports in patient portals is a great opportunity, first for the patients who will be able to identify their radiologist and know their active and important role in their health, and second for the radiologist who can engage in the process of providing quality care through a patient-centered practice," Hernandez-Rangel said.

Get all the details by taking in this Tuesday morning presentation.

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