iAtrogenix Beta Tester News, updated 10/30

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Welcome to the Physicians Instant Messenger (PIM) beta tester news page. Check here for the latest information during the beta test period.

10/30/02 Version 1.1.11 is available for download.

Have your co-workers to join in the beta at http://www.iatrogenix.com/Beta.

Please be sure to report problems, questions or suggestions to [email protected].

Thank you.

What's new in 1.1.11

Performance enhancments for message and image archiving.

What's new in 1.1.10

The latest version of iAM Instant Messenger incorporates 3 MAJOR features that will further differentiate iAM as the number ONE choice for Healthcare Messaging platform. These features are:
  • Archiving - Record important conversation by simply clicking on a button and store conversation in a secure, centralized archiving facility. Archived conversations can be easily retrieved from the repository through the iAM Messenger client application.
  • Return receipt - Get a receipt for any sent messages. When requested, a receipt will be automatically sent from the recipient computer to the message sender. This provides a proof that the recipient has opened the message.
  • Wireless messaging - Send notification of urgent messages to cell phone, blackberry or PDAs. Recipient will be notified of arrival of urgent messages through his/her wireless devices, which allow them to cater immediately to patients' needs.
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