Imaging Center Insider

Dear Imaging Center Insider,

Apart from the actual cost of acquisition, service and maintenance is easily the most expensive part of any capital equipment budget. Figuring out the best way to keep your equipment running without busting the budget can keep many an administrator up at night.

In this edition's Insider Exclusive, we discuss one maintenance option that's getting increased attention -- equipment maintenance insurance. In a new Second Opinion article for the Imaging Center Digital Community, Dean Kaufman of Herman Risk Management in Rockville, MD, discusses how equipment maintenance insurance can be the right option for some types of equipment. Get more details by clicking here.

In another article we recently published, Dr. Lawrence Muroff of radiology consulting firm Imaging Consultants of Tampa, FL, expounds on the 12 habits of highly successful radiology groups. Think your group has the right stuff? Then compare your business practices to those that Dr. Muroff believes are necessary for successful operations. You'll find the story by clicking here.

On another topic, if you're thinking about doing a time-share equipment leasing deal with referring physicians, don't make a move until you find out what's going on in Illinois. The state attorney general has filed a lawsuit charging a number of imaging firms with fraud for leasing blocks of time on their scanners to referring docs, and we detail the allegations in an article that's available here.

Finally, the results of our latest SalaryScan survey of imaging compensation and benefits are now available, at We think you'll find that the results can be useful in personnel hiring and budgeting -- or to see if you're making what you're worth.

If you have any ideas, questions, or comments for future stories, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected].

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