Radiologists and radiologic technologists (RTs) enjoyed a rising tide of prosperity in recent years as salaries grew steadily in an era of chronic personnel shortages. The gravy train appears to be over, however, as salaries for radiologists and RTs fell in 2007, according to the latest data from AuntMinnie.com's 2008 SalaryScan survey.
Salaries for radiologists dipped in 2007 and also edged down for RTs as well, according to SalaryScan data, which surveys compensation and benefits for medical imaging professionals. Other radiology professions posted gains, however, such as radiology administrators and PACS/RIS managers.
The numbers could indicate that the market has finally adjusted from a long period in which persistent shortages of radiologists and RTs resulted in strong annual salary gains in those professions. The SalaryScan data were collected from surveys filled out between January and March 2008 by thousands of radiology professionals around the world.
Overall, U.S. radiologists of all specializations and experience levels reported an average base salary of $336,727 in the 2008 edition of SalaryScan, compared with an average base salary of $343,032 reported in the 2007 edition. In 2006, radiologists reported an average base salary of $332,955.
For radiologic technologists, the U.S. average base salary regardless of modality specialization or experience level was $61,153 in the 2008 SalaryScan survey, compared with $61,512 reported by RTs in the 2007 survey. In 2006, radiologic technologists reported an average base salary of $57,717.
On the other hand, salary growth continued for radiology administrators, who reported an average base salary in this year's survey of $88,425, compared with an average base salary of $83,240 in the 2007 survey. PACS/RIS managers posted an average base salary of $71,176 in the 2008 SalaryScan, compared with $68,560 in the 2007 survey.
Within particular areas of subspecialization, interventional radiologists came out on top this year, with a reported average base salary of $363,026, followed by those working in MRI at $353,968 and those specializing in mammography at $346,020. This year's numbers represent a big drop for breast imaging specialists -- last year's survey reported an average base salary of $407,297.

Regionally in the U.S., radiologists in the West North Central area (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri) reported the highest salaries, with an average base salary of $387,042. Up next were radiologists in the Mountain region (last year's top wage earners) at $375,688, followed by the East North Central region at $351,229.

Among radiologic technologists, those who have specialized in nuclear medicine are bringing home the most bacon, with an average base salary of $69,299 in the U.S. They're followed closely by interventional radiology RTs at $66,209 and sonographers at $64,159. Nuclear medicine technologists were also the best compensated in the 2007 edition of SalaryScan, reporting an average base salary of $69,373.

On a regional basis, RTs in the Pacific region (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii) once again reported the highest average base salary at $74,264, compared with $70,753 in 2007. They were followed by RTs in New England (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut), same as in the 2007 survey, who reported an average base salary of $66,775, compared with $67,593 in 2007.
At the other end of the scale, RTs in the U.S. West North Central region had the most to gripe about, reporting an average base salary of $53,536; they also had the lowest wages in the 2007 SalaryScan survey at $55,053.

AuntMinnie.com members can conduct searches on comparable salaries in their professions and regions by going to the SalaryScan data query tool on the AuntMinnie.com Career Center home page, at jobs.auntminnie.com.
By Brian Casey
AuntMinnie.com staff writer
May 13, 2008
Related Reading
Study: Job surplus seen in 2007, October 23, 2007
Inflation swamps specialty salaries, but radiologists stay afloat, August 31, 2007
Radiologists still high on recruiters' wish lists, August 14, 2007
Radiology ranks second in salary survey, August 1, 2007
RT wages growing more slowly, ASRT finds, July 26, 2007
Mammography pays well despite reputation, SalaryScan survey says, May 10, 2007
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