Why malpractice reform has failed

We try to shed some light on the lack of progress in malpractice reform in in an article we're featuring in our Imaging Center Digital Community.

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Despite widespread signs of a crisis in the U.S. malpractice system, efforts to enact meaningful tort reform at a national level have failed repeatedly over the past year. This baffles many U.S. physicians, who find it difficult to understand how such an obvious problem can go unresolved for so long.

We try to shed some light on the issue in an article we're featuring in our Imaging Center Digital Community. Authored by insurance consulting expert T. Lloyd Croft, the story explores several possible reasons why malpractice reform has failed.

For example, opponents of malpractice reform have made clever use of statistics to buttress their claim that the malpractice "crisis" is a myth created by wealthy physicians who balk at paying premiums that they should be able to afford.

Think damage-awards caps are a good idea? Maybe so, but they become a big fat target for reform opponents, who are able to argue that caps punish those who are genuine victims of medical errors.

Learn about some of the other reasons behind the failure of malpractice reform in our Imaging Center Digital Community, at centers.auntminnie.com.

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