Residents Insider

Dear Residents Insider,

Triple rule-out CT exams can help find the cause of chest pain in a single exam, but their complexity can make them among the toughest imaging scans to interpret.

Should interpretation of triple rule-out exams be entrusted to residents on call overnight? Or should they be saved for attending physicians? A new study from the Medical University of South Carolina found that residents are up to the challenge.

Residents missed a few more minor findings on triple rule-outs than they did on other types of CT exams, but they did nearly as well as subspecialty-trained attending radiologists when it came to finding serious pathology, according to this issue's Insider Exclusive, brought to you before our other members can access it.

In a tough employment marketplace, nuclear medicine residents face some of the highest hurdles to qualify for a job, according to a new report. Still, some skills and characteristics can be counted on to boost a candidate's prospects of finding work. Find out what will make you more employable by clicking here.

Moonlighting is becoming an increasingly popular way for residents to make ends meet. However, the practice could put them afoul of work rules from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education that mandate minimum rest periods between work shifts, according to a story by staff writer Kate Madden Yee. Find out what residents are up to when they're not training by clicking here.

If you're looking for a kinder, gentler resident training program, you'll do well to steer clear of Kenya, where radiologists at Aga Khan University don't mind low numbers of graduates as long as they keep their standards high. Learn more about this unique program in a story you'll find here.

Finally, from Dublin, it's not necessarily what you're seeing but how you're looking at it that spells the difference between a rookie and an experienced radiologist. In a new study, researchers tracked eye movements to look at search patterns and determine the search methods of experienced readers.

Be sure to stay tuned to your Residents Digital Community for news tailored to radiology trainees looking to make the most of today's challenging environment.

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