Meet the Minnies winners; how the Swiss cut pediatric CT dose

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The votes have been counted and the results are in -- the winners have been determined in the 2008 edition of the Minnies,'s annual event recognizing excellence in radiology.

We started with a field of 148 candidates in 13 categories, based on nominations from AuntMinnie members like you. Our expert panel narrowed that down to one winner in each category in two rounds of voting conducted over the last five weeks.

Want to know which CT scanner earned accolades as Best New Radiology Device? Or who won the award for Most Effective Radiology Educator? How about Scientific Paper of the Year? To find out, just go to

We'll be recognizing the winners with handsome trophies to be awarded at the upcoming RSNA meeting in Chicago. And if you happen to know a Minnies winner personally, be sure to send your congratulations.

How the Swiss cut pediatric CT dose

In other news, we're featuring a story by staff writer Cynthia Keen in our Pediatric Imaging Digital Community on an effort in Switzerland to standardize the radiation dose delivered during pediatric CT studies.

Researchers from the University of Lausanne conducted a nationwide survey and were disturbed to find that radiation dose varied widely in CT scans of children among different facilities around the country. That led Swiss pediatric radiology advocates to implement a national program to standardize dose levels.

The U.S. is also struggling with the same dilemma -- could the country learn from the Swiss example? Find out by clicking here, or visit the community at

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