Tumor > Benign > Sqcellpap

Squamous Cell Papilloma:


The papilloma is the most common benign tracheal neoplasm in the adult. There is a strong association with cigarette smoking and the lesion probably occurs as a result of chronic irritation.  The lesion can infiltrate and become malignant [2]. Treatment is endoscopic resection. On CT, the lesion is a small, non-calcified, well circumscribed nodule which projects into the bronchial (most common) or tracheal lumen.


(1) J Thorac Imag 1995, 10: 180-198 (p.181-182)

(2) AJR 2006; Ko JM, et al. Benign tumors of the tracheobronchial tree: CT-pathologic correlation. 186: 1304-113

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