Table of Contents, May 2001 Issue, Vol.219:2

President's Address
By C. Douglas Maynard
Radiology: Future Challenges
Radiology 2001 219: 309-31.

By Deborah Levine
Three-dimensional Fetal MR Imaging: Will It Fulfill Its Promise?
Radiology 2001 219: 313-315.

By James J. Abrahams
Dental CT Imaging: A Look at the Jaw
Radiology 2001 219: 334-345.

Breast Imaging
By Isidro Vizcaíno, Leopoldo Gadea, Luis Andreo, Dolores Salas, Francisco Ruiz-Perales, Dolores Cuevas, Constantino Herranz, and Francisco Bueno
Short-term Follow-up Results in 795 Nonpalpable Probably Benign Lesions Detected at Screening Mammography
Radiology 2001 219: 475-483.

By Linda White Nunes, Mitchell D. Schnall, and Susan G. Orel
Update of Breast MR Imaging Architectural Interpretation Model
Radiology 2001 219: 484-494.

By Steven G. Lee, Catherine W. Piccoli, and Jane S. Hughes
Displacement of Microcalcifications during Stereotactic 11-gauge Directional Vacuum-assisted Biopsy with Marking Clip Placement: Case Report
Radiology 2001 219: 495-497.

Diagnosis Please
By Ann S. Fulcher, Mary Ann Turner, and Arun J. Sanyal
Case 38
Radiology 2001 219: 440-441.

By Lorenz T. Ramseyer
Case 34: Renal Lymphangiectasia
Radiology 2001 219: 442-444.

Experimental Studies
By Astrid Watrin, Jean Pierre B. Ruaud, Pierre T. A. Olivier, Natacha C. Guingamp, Patrick D. Gonord, Patrick A. Netter, Alain G. Blum, Geneviève M. Guillot, Pierre M. Gillet, and Damien H. J. Loeuille
T2 Mapping of Rat Patellar Cartilage
Radiology 2001 219: 395-402.

By Jean-Michel Serfaty, Linda Chaabane, André Tabib, Jean-Michel Chevallier, André Briguet, and Phillippe C. Douek
Atherosclerotic Plaques: Classification and Characterization with T2-weighted High-Spatial-Resolution MR Imaging-An in Vitro Study
Radiology 2001 219: 403-410.

By Paul A. Bottomley and Robert G. Weiss
Noninvasive Localized MR Quantification of Creatine Kinase Metabolites in Normal and Infarcted Canine Myocardium
Radiology 2001 219: 411-418.

By Chandra M. Sehgal, Peter H. Arger, Anthony C. Silver, Jill A. Patton, H. Mark Saunders, Amit Bhattacharyya, and Caroline P. Bell
Renal Blood Flow Changes Induced with Endothelin-1 and Fenoldopam Mesylate at Quantitative Doppler US: Initial Results in a Canine Study
Radiology 2001 219: 419-426.

Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Glenn A. Krinsky, Vivian S. Lee, Neil D. Theise, Jeffrey C. Weinreb, Neil M. Rofsky, Thomas Diflo, and Lewis W. Teperman
Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Dysplastic Nodules in Patients with Cirrhosis: Prospective Diagnosis with MR Imaging and Explantation Correlation
Radiology 2001 219: 445-454.

By Yong Yeon Jeong, Donald G. Mitchell, and George A. Holland
Liver Lesion Conspicuity: T2-weighted Breath-hold Fast Spin-Echo MR Imaging before and after Gadolinium Enhancement-Initial Experience
Radiology 2001 219: 455-460.

By Amy K. Hara, C. Daniel Johnson, Robert L. MacCarty, Timothy J. Welch, Cynthia H. McCollough, and W. Scott Harmsen
CT Colonography: Single- versus Multi-Detector Row Imaging
Radiology 2001 219: 461-465.

Genitourinary Imaging
By Ferdinand Frauscher, Andrea Klauser, Arnulf Stenzl, Gernot Helweg, Birgit Amort, and Dieter zur Nedden
US Findings in the Scrotum of Extreme Mountain Bikers
Radiology 2001 219: 427-431.

By Angelos K. Leventis, Shahrokh F. Shariat, and Kevin M. Slawin
Local Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: Correlation of US Features with Prostatic Fossa Biopsy Findings
Radiology 2001 219: 432-439.

Health Policy and Practice
By Dieter R. Enzmann, Peter M. Anglada, Corinne Haviley, and Luz A. Venta
Providing Professional Mammography Services: Financial Analysis
Radiology 2001 219: 467-473.

Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Christian W. A. Pfirrmann and Donald Resnick
Schmorl Nodes of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Radiographic-Pathologic Study of Prevalence, Characterization, and Correlation with Degenerative Changes of 1,650 Spinal Levels in 100 Cadavers
Radiology 2001 219: 368-374.

By Kil-Ho Cho, Dong-Chul Lee, Rethy Kieth Chhem, Se-Dong Kim, Jose Antonio Bouffard, Etienne Cardinal, and Bok-Hwan Park
Normal and Acutely Torn Posterior Cruciate Ligament of the Knee at US Evaluation: Preliminary Experience
Radiology 2001 219: 375-380.

By Juliana C. Campos, Christine B. Chung, Nittaya Lektrakul, Robert Pedowitz, Debra Trudell, Joseph Yu, and Donald Resnick
Pathogenesis of the Segond Fracture: Anatomic and MR Imaging Evidence of an Iliotibial Tract or Anterior Oblique Band Avulsion
Radiology 2001 219: 381-386.

By Mario Mascalchi, Giampiero Ferrito, Nello Quilici, Salvatore Mangiafico, Mirco Cosottini, Martino Cellerini, Letterio S. Politi, Laura Guerrini, Carlo Bartolozzi, and Natale Villari
Spinal Vascular Malformations: MR Angiography after Treatment
Radiology 2001 219: 346-353.

By James D. Eastwood, David J. Fiorella, James F. MacFall, David M. Delong, James M. Provenzale, and Robert S. Greenwood
Increased Brain Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Radiology 2001 219: 354-358.

Pediatric Imaging
By Abe J. Malouf Jr, Jennifer E. Hamrick-Turner, Michael C. Doherty, Gurmeet S. Dhillon, Rathi V. Iyer, and Mary G. Smith Implementation of the STOP Protocol for Stroke Prevention in Sickle Cell Anemia by Using Duplex Power Doppler Imaging
Radiology 2001 219: 359-365.

Radiation Oncology
By John G. Strang, Deborah J. Rubens, Ralph A. Brasacchio, Yan Yu, and Edward M. Messing
Real-Time US versus CT Determination of Pubic Arch Interference for Brachytherapy
Radiology 2001 219: 387-393.

Signs in Imaging
By Sattam S. Lingawi
The Naked Facet Sign
Radiology 2001 219: 366-367.

Special Reviews
By Ralph Weissleder and Umar Mahmood
Molecular Imaging
Radiology 2001 219: 316-333.

Thoracic Imaging
By Peter A. Loud, Douglas S. Katz, Dennis A. Bruce, Donald L. Klippenstein, and Zachary D. Grossman
Deep Venous Thrombosis with Suspected Pulmonary Embolism: Detection with Combined CT Venography and Pulmonary Angiography
Radiology 2001 219: 498-502.

By Jannette Collins, Michael J. Hartman, Thomas F. Warner, Nestor L. Müller, Ella A. Kazerooni, H. Page McAdams, Richard M. Slone, and Leonard A. Parker Frequency and CT Findings of Recurrent Disease after Lung Transplantation Radiology 2001 219: 503-509.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Rosie F. Adams and Fergus V. Gleeson
Percutaneous Image-guided Cutting-Needle Biopsy of the Pleura in the Presence of a Suspected Malignant Effusion
Radiology 2001 219: 510-514.

By Stephanie K. Carlson, Claire E. Bender, Kelly L. Classic, Frank E. Zink, Jeffrey P. Quam, Ellen M. Ward, and Ann L. Oberg
Benefits and Safety of CT Fluoroscopy in Interventional Radiologic Procedures
Radiology 2001 219: 515-520.

By Charles E. Spritzer, Michael A. Arata, and Kelly S. Freed
Isolated Pelvic Deep Venous Thrombosis: Relative Frequency as Detected with MR Imaging
Radiology 2001 219: 521-525.

By Christoph Manke, Wolfgang R. Nitz, Behrus Djavidani, Michael Strotzer, Markus Lenhart, Markus Völk, Stefan Feuerbach, and Johann Link
MR Imaging-guided Stent Placement in Iliac Arterial Stenoses: A Feasibility Study
Radiology 2001 219: 527-534.

By Maarten Groenink, Albert de Roos, Barbara J. M. Mulder, Ben Verbeeten Jr, Janneke Timmermans, Aeilko H. Zwinderman, Jos A. E. Spaan, and Ernst E. van der Wall
Biophysical Properties of the Normal-sized Aorta in Patients with Marfan Syndrome: Evaluation with MR Flow Mapping
Radiology 2001 219: 535-540.

By Kieran J. Murphy, Emmanuel Houdart, Kazimierz T. Szopinski, Olivier Levrier, Leopoldo Guimaraens, Dietmar Kühne, László Solymosi, Niels J. Bartholdy, and Daniel A. Rüfenacht
Mechanical Detachable Platinum Coil: Report of the European Phase II Clinical Trial in 60 Patients
Radiology 2001 219: 541-544.

Technical Developments
By Olivier B. Vignaux, Joelle Augui, Joel Coste, Christophe Argaud, Patrick Le Roux, Pierre G. Carlier, Denis Duboc, and Paul Legmann
Comparison of Single-Shot Fast Spin-Echo and Conventional Spin-Echo Sequences for MR Imaging of the Heart: Initial Experience
Radiology 2001 219: 545-550.

By Vitalii V. Itskovich, Kenneth A. Kraft, and Ding-Yu Fei
Rapid Aortic Wave Velocity Measurement with MR Imaging
Radiology 2001 219: 551-557.

By David J. Lomas, Rohit R. Sood, Martin J. Graves, Richard Miller, Nigel R. Hall, and Adrian K. Dixon
Colon Carcinoma: MR Imaging with CO2 Enema-Pilot Study
Radiology 2001 219: 558-562.

By Bradford W. Fenton, Chin-Shoou Lin, Christian Macedonia, Dieter Schellinger, and Susan Ascher
The Fetus at Term: In Utero Volume-selected Proton MR Spectroscopy with a Breath-hold Technique- A Feasibility Study
Radiology 2001 219: 563-566.

By Rahel A. Kubik-Huch, Simon Wildermuth, Luca Cettuzzi, Annett Rake, Burkhardt Seifert, Rabih Chaoui, and Borut Marincek
Fetus and Uteroplacental Unit: Fast MR Imaging with Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Volumetry-Feasibility Study
Radiology 2001 219: 567-573.

Letters to the Editor
By James E. Silberzweig, Carol Hilfer, and Erich K. Lang
Embolization of an Autologous Clot Dr Lang responds:
Radiology 2001 219: 574.

By Philip Cook, Martin Quinn, and Robert D. Harris
Imaging in Women with Persistent Pelvic Pain Dr Harris responds:
Radiology 2001 219: 574.

By Mauricio Vergara, Edward G. Grant, Suzie M. El Saden, and Gasser M. Hathout
Duplex US for the Estimation of Internal Carotid Stenosis Drs Grant and colleagues respond:
Radiology 2001 219: 575-577.

By Kai E. Wilhelm, Erhan T. Ilgit, Dogan Bor, and Niyazi Meric
Radiation Dose in Fluoroscopically Guided Dacryocystoplasty Dr Ilgit and colleagues respond:
Radiology 2001 219: 577-578.

In Memoriam
By Parvati Ramchandani, Matthew S. Pollack, Stuart N. Pollack, Bruce L. McClennan, and Joshua A. Becker
Howard M. Pollack, MD
Radiology 2001 219: 579.

Book Reviews
Cross-Sectional Human Anatomy
Radiology 2001 219: 394.

Radiation Shielding for Diagnostic X-rays: Report of a Joint BIR/IPEM Working Party
Radiology 2001 219: 466.

Venous Interventional Radiology with Clinical Perspectives. 2nd ed.
Radiology 2001 219: 526.

Abstracts of Current Literature
Radiology 2001 219: 580-588.

Author Information
Publication Information for Authors
Radiology 2001 219

Manuscript Categorization Terms
Radiology 2001 219

Business Information
Radiology 2001 219

Transfer of Copyright and Certifications Agreement
Radiology 2001 219

Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.

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