CTI settles GE litigation

CTI Molecular Imaging has settled two civil litigation cases involving the company, its PETNet Solutions radiopharmaceutical unit, certain CTI employees, and General Electric.

GE had initiated litigation against Lawrence Kessler and CTI in Kansas, Thomas Hook and Joe Sardano in Wisconsin, and Thomas Hook, Joe Sardano, CTI and PETNet in Tennessee to halt the potential disclosure or use of confidential GE information that was known to certain former employees now employed by CTI and/or PETNet.

The parties worked together to ensure sufficient safeguards to prevent the potential disclosure of confidential GE information as well as other disputes, according to the Knoxville, TN-based firm. CTI said it would incur no charges in connection with the settlement.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
June 8, 2004

Related Reading

CTI revenues climb 30%, May 5, 2004

CTI and Siemens retool PET alliance, May 5, 2004

PETNet inks deal with GlaxoSmithKline, March 2, 2004

Siemens, Trident ink deal, March 25, 2004

GE in legal dispute with CTI employees, December 16, 2002

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