Toshiba America Medical Systems

Toshiba America Medical Systems is planning to highlight a new user interface for the T.Cam Signature Series gamma camera, which the Tustin, CA, vendor sources from Siemens Medical Solutions of Malvern, PA. Toshiba will also showcase new applications such as gated tomo acquisition enhancement and new capabilities for dual-isotope studies.

The new user interface comes thanks to an upgrade of the software used in the T.Cam's eSoft workstation, according to Toshiba. eSoft's interface is now based on the syngo operating system that Siemens uses for workstations across different modalities. The new GUI should be more convenient for sites that have other equipment based on syngo.

New clinical applications include tomo acquisition enhancement, which enables T.Cam users who have the Profile attenuation-correction device to conduct cardiac studies with gated acquisition that is coordinated with the number of patient heartbeats acquired in the study.

Another new feature, called isotope-dependent intrinsic floods, is designed for T.Cam systems with 3/8-inch and 5/8-inch scintillation crystals, and enables separate floods to be acquired for each isotope in dual-isotope studies.

Finally, optimistic locking is a technique that enables data from the same patient study to be used simultaneously in different syngo workflow modules. The syngo software includes some 200 different workflow modules that vary according to clinical application, and until optimistic locking was developed data could only be processed by one workflow module at a time, according to Toshiba.

By Jonathan S. Batchelor staff writer
November 8, 2004

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