CTI rolls out Emerge, QuickStart

PET provider CTI Molecular Imaging has rolled out ECAT Emerge, a new PET scanner based on lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO) detectors. The Knoxville, TN, firm said it will couple Emerge with a new turnkey purchasing program called QuickStart.

With QuickStart, customers can take advantage of custom financing, radiopharmaceuticals, scanner service, and staff training, according to CTI. The vendor can also provide licensing, installation, and custom marketing services for PET sites.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
June 17, 2002

Related Reading

CTI signs deal with Zmed, March 25, 2002

Focus on PET pays off for CTI as modality booms, August 6, 2001

CTI PET adds Marconi as distributor, rolls out ECAT Accel, May 11, 2001

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