AnazaoHealth provides teddy bears for pediatric I-123 MIBG patients

The nuclear medicine division of AnazaoHealth has launched a program to provide a teddy bear to each child patient receiving an iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine (I-123 MIBG) dose.

The radiopharmaceutical is typically used in pediatric patients to diagnosis the presence and location of neuroblastomas. Imaging procedures are often lengthy and performed over multiple days, according to the Tampa, FL-based AnazaoHealth, and the presence of a teddy bear may act to distract and comfort the child during these studies.

The company sends a bear along with each dose of pediatric I-123 MIBG for the hospital to distribute to its patient, AnazaoHealth said.

By staff writers
March 23, 2007

Related Reading

Tips for successful pediatric nuclear imaging, October 20, 2006

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