MDS Nordion of Ottawa, Ontario, has joined with TRIUMF, Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, to study the development of an alternative supply source for medical isotopes.
The partners will investigate the feasibility of producing a viable and reliable supply of photo fission-produced molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) used globally for diagnostic medical imaging. They will also work together to develop a plan to bring the isotope to market, including an operational plan, business model, and timeline for distribution.
Medical isotopes produced using photo fission employ a linear accelerator rather than a nuclear reactor; as such, the need to ship and handle highly enriched uranium is eliminated in favor of naturally occurring uranium. This method also provides a potential alternative for supplementing the production capacity of Mo-99 and lessening the reliance on existing nuclear research reactors, MDS Nordion said.
MDS Nordion currently receives Mo-99 from the Chalk River nuclear reactor, operated by Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL). However, Mo-99 supplies from Chalk River have been interrupted a number of times in recent years, and the Canadian government recently cancelled a plan to replace the aging reactor at the site.
TRIUMF is owned and operated as a joint venture between the National Research Council Canada and a number of Canadian universities. It is located on the campus of the University of British Columbia.
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MDS revenues dip in third quarter, September 4, 2008
MDS plans restructuring, July 18, 2008
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