Dear Molecular Imaging Insider,
This edition of the Insider provides an exclusive first look at radiopharmaceutical developer Cell>Point's promising early trial results of its SPECT imaging agent, which could prove an alternative to FDG for diagnosing and staging patients with cancer.
Results from the company's phase II clinical trial at six sites suggest that technetium-99m (Tc-99m) ethylene dicysteine deoxyglucose (ECDG) with SPECT can localize primary and metastatic lesions and is not inferior to FDG-PET in image quality or performance.
ECDG has shown potential in coronary artery disease imaging as well. Click here to read more.
Speaking of cancer, reviewing FDG-PET scans of non-small cell lung cancer patients before radiation therapy may lead to significant changes in treatment strategy and radiation therapy planning, according to a study from French researchers.
Meanwhile, international editor Eric Barnes reports on Japanese researchers who have developed computer-aided detection (CAD) software that detects lung nodules in PET/CT images of lung cancer screening patients. Applying a combined CAD system to both modalities, instead of CT or PET alone, nearly doubled the number of solitary pulmonary nodules detected.
This issue also brings encouraging news on the development of hybrid PET/MRI technology. A pilot study in Germany of 10 patients with intracranial masses found no significant artifacts or distortions using a hybrid PET/MRI system that features an MRI-compatible PET insert placed in the magnet bore.
And, finally, research suggests that SPECT may lag myocardial contrast echocardiography in assessing hibernating myocardium in ischemic cardiomyopathy. A study of 23 patients at Northwick Park Hospital in London found that both qualitative and quantitative myocardial contrast echocardiography were independent predictors for detecting hibernating myocardium. The modality was also the only independent predictor for the recovery of left ventricular function.
Be sure to stay in touch with the Molecular Imaging Digital Community on a daily basis for the latest news and research.