MRI developer Bruker has launched Icon, a new desktop 1-tesla MRI scanner for preclinical and molecular imaging applications.
Icon is designed to be an easy-to-use scanner that employs cryogen-free permanent magnet technology from Aspect Magnet Technologies, as well as Avance III spectrometer technology and Bruker's ParaVision MRI software.
In addition to cost-effective operation, optional software modules enable Icon to perform advanced techniques such as relaxometry mapping, fast echo-planar imaging, ultrashort echo time lung imaging, or contrast agent research.
The scanner has zero magnetic fringe field, enabling safe location of the system in any facility and use by any operator, according to the Billerica, MA-based company. No additional magnetic or radiofrequency shielding is required for the implementation in the lab.
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Bruker BioSpin names co-presidents, November 17, 2009
Philips, Bruker BioSpin form MPI partnership, September 23, 2009
Road to RSNA, MRI, Bruker BioSpin, November 10, 2005
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