GE Healthcare unveiled new molecular imaging systems and software at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2018 conference.
The firm showcased a new configuration for its Discovery MI PET/CT scanner and added a new 800 series of nuclear medicine systems. The firm also launched Emory Cardiac Toolbox with Syntermed Live, nuclear cardiology imaging software that provides remote reading and reporting from almost any computer system.
Discovery MI is now available in a five-ring configuration with ultrahigh sensitivity at 21 cps/kBq, allowing clinicians to scan three times as fast or at one-third the radiopharmaceutical dose. The system also has an improved volumetric resolution, improving the detection of small lesions, and a high time-of-flight (TOF) sensitivity.
The new 800 series includes NM 830, NM/CT 850, NM/CT 860, NM/CT 860 DR, NM/CT 870 CZT, and a nuclear medicine workstation, Xeleris 4 DR. NM 830 is a SPECT system that can be upgraded to a hybrid system, featuring SwiftScan Planar and SwiftScan SPECT. It improves small lesion detectability with no additional time or dose, an important factor for visualizing cancers and metastases.
NM/CT 850 is specifically designed for low-dose attenuation correction and localization. SwiftScan Planar and SwiftScan SPECT also enable up to 25% reduction in acquisition time or injected dose. The addition of Q.Volumetrix MI provides clinicians with quantitation data of tracer uptake volume to determine how the lesion absorbs the tracer.
NM/CT 860 builds on all the features of NM/CT 850 and can also be used as a standalone diagnostic CT when needed to manage volume.
NM/CT 870 DR is digital ready, meaning it can be later upgraded to cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) digital detectors. It features SmartConsole, SwiftScan Planar, SwiftScan SPECT, and Q.Volumetrix MI with added benefits such as single breath-hold scans in half a second.
NM/CT 870 CZT delivers 58% increased sensitivity compared with the first-generation, general purpose, digital SPECT/CT, according to the firm. It can conduct a whole-body planar scan in less than four minutes with excellent spatial and ultrahigh energy resolutions. NM/CT 870 CZT also features SmartConsole and Q.Volumetrix MI.
The Emory Cardiac Toolbox with Syntermed Live (ECTb) is a nuclear cardiology image interpreting and reporting software that provides remote reading and reporting. The optional Syntermed IDS tool automatically generates a comprehensive interpretation using more than 230 heuristic rules to evaluate perfusion, reversibility, function, and patient demographics. The feature is not intended to replace physician judgment, but it represents an additional tool for reading clinical images, and when applied effectively it can assist in more timely, informed decisions, according to the firm.