Dear MRI Insider,
Our Insider Exclusive offers two studies on MR angiography (MRA). In the first, New York City-based investigators sought to determine if contrast flow measurements coincided with the severity of peripheral vascular disease (PVD). In the second, Italian radiologists looked at whether MR plaque enhancement was in sync with the degree of stenosis in the carotid artery. To learn more about their research, click here.
In other vascular imaging news, you'll find an article on the usefulness of MRA for detecting renal artery stenosis. Also, read about how Brazilian researchers employ first-pass MR for pinpointing subtle coronary artery disease. And check out how radiologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, have made the most of high-resolution 3D MRA in abdominal vasculature.
Other noteworthy stories available in the MRI Digital Community: an article on how diabetes affects the central nervous system; a piece on why primary care physicians love ordering up MR exams for back pain; and finally, the folks at Junk Architects offer 10 questions that patients should pose to an MRI provider. Will you be ready with the answers?