Shalmali Pal[email protected]MRIInversion-recovery MRI falls short in brain tumor detectionInversion-recovery (IR) imaging has made significant strides in brain MR, offering higher T1-weighted contrast and improving the contrast ratio of tumor to white matter. But IR imaging still cannot best spin-echo (SE) MRI for detecting brain metastases, according to radiologists from China. They compared the two MR protocols in 31 patients treated at the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University in Hefei.February 26, 2008MRIMultimodality studies tackle benign but evasive nerve-sheath tumorsSeparating neurofibromas from schwannomas, also known as neurilemomas, is crucial in guiding surgical resection. Historically, diagnosis has been achieved clinically and with biopsy. But making the all-important differential diagnosis isn't easy with either approach. Which imaging modality is up to the task? Musculoskeletal experts in Taiwan explored the role of ultrasound, while a group from the U.S. laid out the imaging appearance of these nerve-sheath tumors.February 21, 2008MRIMR study reveals 'novel' findings on whiplash pathophysiologyTwo years ago physical therapist James Elliott, Ph.D., and his co-authors conducted a study that pinpointed a connection between the chronic pain associated with whiplash and MR signs of fatty infiltrate in the cervical extensor muscles. In their latest work, they investigated the presence of fatty infiltrate in patients with nonwhiplash-related neck pain, and found that not all chronic neck pain is created equal.February 14, 2008Radiation Oncology/TherapyDisease-free survival, mortality uphold novel radiotherapies for prostate cancerProstate cancer research is abuzz with advances in both diagnosis and treatment. Proposed diagnostic tools include a vaccine and a urine-based test that may beat the prostate-specific antigen gold standard. Meanwhile, treatment methods range from high-dose radiation alone to combining radiotherapy with hormone therapy. Two recent papers offer updates from long-term, randomized trials.February 13, 2008MRIMissed turn: What makes MRI detour in diagnosing meniscal tears?On the whole, MR imaging negotiates the twists and turns of the knees with the greatest of ease. But there is one type of injury where MRI often hits a roadblock: meniscal tears. A recent study by researchers at the Madison-based University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health took a closer look at why these tears are sometimes missed at MRI, and whether certain clinical factors are in the modality's blind spot.February 7, 2008Radiation Oncology/ Radiation Oncology InsiderFebruary 6, 2008MRIUltrasound shows promise as a screening tool for wrist painMore than 2.2 million people in the U.S. turn up at their doctor's office with complaints of wrist pain, but ordering up costly MRI and MR arthrography exams -- or radiation-laden CT arthrography -- is not always feasible. Orthopedic specialists from Tucson's University of Arizona have proposed ultrasound-based exams as a screening tool for wrist ligaments.February 4, 2008Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal Imaging InsiderFebruary 3, 2008MRITotal tumor biology impacts cervical cancer regression during EBRTCervical tumor volume may be an insufficient marker for changes during fractionated radiotherapy, according to a study in the January issue of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Instead, researchers from Toronto have developed a multivariate strategy to better predict tumor response during treatment.January 29, MRI InsiderJanuary 27, 2008Page 1 of 100Next PageTop StoriesEconomicsMedicare Quality Payment Program changes affecting radiology practices for 2025In a new column, Erin Stephens of Healthcare Administrative Partners fdetails the key Medicare Quality Payment program changes that radiology practices need to know about in 2025.Radiation Oncology/TherapyConsolidation reigns in radiation oncologyWomens Imaging'Social capital' tied to more screening mammography uptakeMRIbpMRI, mpMRI show comparable NPV for prostate cancerSponsor ContentElevate your patient's care with the capabilities of Cardiac PET/CT