MRI Insider

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot

Dear MRI Insider,

Some consider MRI to be the modality with the highest sensitivity for identifying breast cancer, performing better than mammography or ultrasound, and that offers a particular benefit to women with aggressive cancers such as triple-negative breast cancer, which mammography can miss.

Could breast MRI also benefit these women before they undergo breast-conserving surgery by reducing local recurrence and reexcision rates? A group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia say yes. Find out what they discovered about preoperative MRI for this indication in this edition's Insider Exclusive.

After you've read this story, take a look at other articles we've posted recently in the community, including coverage from the European Congress of Radiology's ECR 2022 Overture, held earlier this month:

We invite you to check out our MRI Community often to stay up to date on the modality's many applications and emerging trends.

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