HHS issues $153M for antineutropenia drug

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has awarded a contract to Cellerant Therapeutics of San Carlos, CA, to continue developing drugs to combat neutropenia.

The $63.2 million two-year contract is for the continued development of CLT-008, a medication that uses myeloid progenitor cells that have the ability to grow different types of blood cells. In addition to treating individuals exposed to high levels of ionizing radiation who many develop neutropenia, a condition in which a person has an abnormally low number of white blood cells, the medication could be used for patients with cancer and other blood disorders.

Under the new contract, Cellerant will conduct additional studies and validate its manufacturing process in order to apply for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensure. The contract can be extended annually up to three years for an additional $89.9 million, according to BARDA.

Related Reading

Humanetics licenses drugs to combat radiation, September 1, 2010

Study to test radiation protection drug, September 14, 2009

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