Ultrasound transducer replacement costs

2004 02 06 14 46 33 706

Many healthcare equipment managers have heard that alternative sources for replacing ultrasound transducers cost less than what manufacturers charge, but they don't know how much less. A five-year comparison study shows that costs to replace all types of ultrasound transducers were lower with parts from independent service organizations (ISOs) compared with those from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

2004 02 06 14 40 46 706
2004 02 06 14 40 10 706

According to the study, replacing invasive and noninvasive transducers with ISO parts cost 35% less than using OEM parts, while replacing transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) transducers with ISO parts cost 23% less than using OEM parts.

Additionally, the study concluded that parts replacement represents more than 70% of the total repair budget (See Ultrasound Transducer Replacement Cost Averages chart, above).

  1. Incorporating certain precautionary measures can reduce overall transducer costs.
  2. Use a bite guard during an entire procedure when using TEE transducers;
  3. Properly follow the manufacturer's recommendations on cleaning solutions and length of immersion time;
  4. Properly package a transducer when shipping for repair to prevent further damage;
  5. When moving a cart, remove the transducers and move by hand, being careful not to get cables caught in front of wheels, doorknobs, equipment, etc.

Information provided to AuntMinnie.com comes from the GENISYS databank of USCS Equipment Technology Solutions, Brookfield, WI. For more information on asset management visit the USCS Web site at www.us-cs.com, or call 800-558-6377. USCS Equipment Technology Solutions and GENISYS are registered trademarks.

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