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GE adds to Voluson Expert US platform

GE Healthcare has introduced new women's imaging features for its Voluson Expert series ultrasound platform at this week's International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) meeting in Los Angeles.

HDlive is a rendering tool on the system's new dynamic rendering engine that's designed to provide additional anatomical realism and increased depth perception, according to the vendor. It's available on the Voluson E8 and E8 Expert scanners.

Another new feature, Volume SRI (speckle reduction imaging) makes use of volumetric multiplane imaging to enhance speckle reduction, GE said. It helps improve 3D/4D image quality in multiplanar studies and rendered mode, while also contributing an enhanced smoothing effect on rendered images, according to the company.

GE is also presenting two new ob/gyn-oriented probes for the Voluson Expert series. RAB6-D is a next-generation volume transducer that's 40% lighter than the previous version, while C4-8-D is a wideband transducer for providing high-resolution obstetrical images during each trimester, GE said.

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