Royal Philips lauds joint expert statement on IVUS use

Royal Philips is lauding a joint expert opinion statement that highlights the advantages of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) use in peripheral arterial and deep venous interventions.

The opinion was authored by a group of multidisciplinary cardiovascular specialists from medical societies. It was published simultaneously in the Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, and the Journal of Vascular Surgery-Vascular Insights. In the document, a panel consisting of 15 physicians from six cardiovascular specialty societies reviewed current evidence and clinical experience for IVUS-guided interventions.

The panel discussed how the use of IVUS remains low despite growing evidence showing its benefits in contemporary peripheral interventions. This includes proposed benefits over angiography alone in identifying plaque burden and morphology, as well as characterizing lesions.

Among other topics, the panel also discussed IVUS' potential use in novel technologies, as well as barriers limiting increased IVUS use.

The full opinion article can be found here.

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