Volpara debuts Quiver software for MQSA compliance reporting at SBI

Volpara Health Technologies debuted its Quiver software for the management of mammography systems, staff credentials, and professional development in support of compliance with the Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA).

The software is being featured at the Society for Breast Imaging's (SBI) annual symposium alongside the company's product suite for assessing breast density, mammography quality, and evaluating cancer risk.

Quiver is autopopulated with clinic, mammography system, and technologist activity from Volpara Analytics software. The software is accessible from any web browser and provides a clinic-by-clinic look at technologists' continuing education records and mammography system quality assurance documentation. Technologists can upload their own records and email notifications can alert staff when their credits are about to expire. Free credits are also available through Volpara Hive, an online community exclusively for Volpara customers.

Also at SBI, Volpara is co-hosting a learning lab session with Lunit titled, "Reducing interval cancers with AI and personalized screening" during which experts will share their experience with Lunit's Insight AI software for early cancer detection and Volpara's Risk Pathways and Scorecard software.

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