Women's imaging vendor Hologic of Bedford, MA, has had a busy year. The company made a series of corporate acquisitions in 2006, and will show the fruits of its activities in its RSNA booth.
The company's RSNA theme will be "better together" as it highlights a product menu that includes offerings from computer-aided detection (CAD) developer R2 Technology of Sunnyvale, CA, and biopsy firm Suros Surgical Systems of Indianapolis, both of which were acquired by Hologic during the year.
Hologic will also showcase R2's mammography applications software for use with the company's SecurViewDX diagnostic workstations, which includes Citra, a system for viewing digital mammography images that supports CAD. For users with analog mammography systems, the company will demonstrate R2's DigitalNow, which allows users to build a library of digitized prior mammograms to ease the transition from hard- to soft-copy review.
On the breast biopsy side, Hologic will show its MultiCare Platinum stereotactic breast biopsy system. MultiCare Platinum prone and StereoLocII upright biopsy systems can be used with Suros Surgical's ATEC (Automated Tissue Excision and Collection) technology, which includes various needle options. The company will also exhibit ATEC Emerald, designed for mobile MRI-guided breast biopsy, and ATEC Sapphire, which allows radiologists to biopsy in the three modalities of stereotactic x-ray, ultrasound, and MRI using a single biopsy unit.
Hologic will also feature an upgraded Selenia full-field digital mammography system, and the SecurViewDX workstation.
On the skeletal health side, Hologic will feature its Hip Structure Analysis (HSA) software for use in its dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) Discovery bone densitometers, which evaluate both bone mineral density and vertebral fractures. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared the HSA application in September. HSA examines the structural geometry of 2D DEXA images by allowing the calculation of both the bone mineral density and the structural geometry that underlies bone strength from DEXA measurements.
By Kate Madden Yee
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer
November 9, 2006
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