Internazionale Medico Scientifica/Giotto

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot
2006 11 08 16 18 39 706

At this year's RSNA show, mammography and x-ray firm Internazionale Medico Scientifica (IMS) of Bologna, Italy, plans to highlight its Giotto line of mammography products.

2006 11 08 16 18 52 706The family includes Giotto Image MD, which includes an 18 x 24-cm amorphous selenium detector; Giotto Image SD, with an 18 x 24-cm detector and also full-field digital stereotactic biopsy capability; and Giotto Image SDL, with a 24 x 30-cm detector and stereotactic biopsy.

The company will also emphasize the ability for users to perform imaging in a face-to-face, inclined position, which the company believes not only makes breast imaging more comfortable for patients, but also for technologists.

By Kate Madden Yee contributing writer
November 9, 2006

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