ACR launches mammo database; FFDM vs. film-screen

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The American College of Radiology (ACR) is launching a national registry of mammography data to help breast imaging facilities improve their quality of care, according to an article we're featuring this week in our Women's Imaging Digital Community.

The National Mammography Database will collect data on cancer detection rates, cancer types detected, false-positive rates, and positive predictive value rates, according to an article by staff writer Cynthia E. Keen. The goal is to provide a standardized registry that breast imaging practices can use to benchmark their performance.

A recent clinical study indicated that adding outcomes data to mammography interpretation can help breast imagers improve their performance -- which means the ACR's new tool could come in handy. Learn more about the new database by clicking here.

FFDM vs. film-screen

In other women's imaging news, a new study out of the U.K. adds weight to arguments that full-field digital mammography (FFDM) is equivalent to film-screen mammography.

The researchers acquired images with both modalities and printed them to film for review on lightboxes. They found no statistically significant differences between the technologies in terms of detection rates, recall rates, and positive predictive value for abnormal mammograms.

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